Monday, November 3, 2008

Experiencing bullimia -.- :P

Yuck, feel super unwell now. My father drove us up Mt. Faber and down again cause there was no more parking space (or something ._.), and I felt like vomiting afterwards. :(

Yuck yuck yuck. I wish I can vomit out my dinner. I think I ate a bit too much although I was super hungry. Was. >< K la, cannot complain too much. :)
Today was the last tuition lesson for Oct. & Nov. And I was super late and it was extremely p-s. Super. Very. (To the extreme (Haziq/ Cheowyi)) :O! To add on to my misery, I even agreed (yesterday) to reach earlier because TuitionTeacher said that it is very important. (The punctuality, cause it will affect the class..?)

Today (2/11/08)'s a special date!! :D
& it happens to be my Yeeyi's chinese calendar birthdate!
& two days later, it would be her birthday!
& two days after that, it would be my Mami's birthday!
& the day after (07/11) would be Cheeyuan's birthday!

(& one month + 'haziq days'(23) later it would be Christmas!!!)
Oh my, can you hear the bells ringing?

I earned money today! $_$
Money money money! (-Mr Krabbs ;D)
I'm. Getting. Serious. About. Transferring. >< (See how serious I am? :P)

I'm getting to not like (talking like a lawyer!) the computer/ Internet already.
It brings sadness. x.x

Yes(!!), Crazy lives in Hawaii! :D
And Crazy is super nice, 'police'! Plus he trusts me and has a super bike! Not to forget..
He's crazy! (An added advantage! :B)

K bye, East/ West Coast Park, anyone? :)
You're happy without me (bothering/ pestering/ kachao ing/ disturbing/ talking to you.) Happy for you. :)!
P/S Harry Potter has the same birthday as Ziqi, so cool yes/no? Yes! :)
And Tingting has a new blog I think! :)

People who think that thinking is absurd, are absurd cause. (i know you know :])


:) said...

u whack my pi gu. i cry D;

tingting said...

why u no links de