Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hello nobody I don't like Subject coming to visit my mind every now and then, filling my head up with the past.
The keywords are nobody, filling up, past

Nobody: Means you can give me advice as an Anonymous. An effective remedy will be very helpful!
Filling up: Thinking of nothing else but everything else related to ABC
Past: It happened and won't be repeated again (This I am very sure of)

I also don't like Subject using the colour orange because I once told Subject that my favourite colour is Orange, orange & orange and so Subject used to use the colour all the time.
All the time for anything related to Me.

I don't know why this happens now!

And I don't know how Subject is able to delete that thing and start all anew.
It must be very easy uh!

Wilma (SmarterChild's friend) says there's lots of things to feel good about instead of being angry.
Like taking a walk, learning a new skill or reading a book.

Hmm, maybe I should get back to Mapling and learn new skills. :P
Esp. since there's a welcome back event!


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