Saturday, January 10, 2009

Better in time,

Better In Time - Leona Lewis

On the day that Jolene went to cut her hair (Thursday I think), we were walking to the bus-stop when a weird guy approached us. He looked like those who are avoiding the police or something and he seemed really, really desperate (to change?).

你们可以帮我 pray 吗?
(My first impression was that he was a con-man who wanted to lead us elsewhere secluded to 'pray' for him. And he was not clear!)
我知道你们是 Christian,你们可以帮我 pray 吗?
我们不是 Christians。
(You had to be baptized to be officially counted as one, right?)
我不要做个 *can't be heard* 狂魔,你,你们可以帮我 pray 吗!:/
(K I thought he meant vampire -.-)
orh okay 我们今晚帮你 pray. o.o
*dejected look* Orh, okay.
-walks away-

And I thought about it the whole evening you know!
I prayed for him early the next morning, that he'll not become whatever he did not want to be, and that he'll be fine. :P
My new class is super lively la! And Markers/ Marcus/ Markcus is super the blur k LOL. Nono, Wenqi blur-er, he handed in the same homework twice. xD
Wenqi: -gives 随笔 to 杨老师-
杨老师: Wenqi ah, 你要交你的随笔多少次你才满意?!
(Plus the 随笔 is >750 words long. :P)
I feel so awful both mentally (emotionally) and physically I wish someone will pray for me! =/
But I feel so guilty because I did not pray everyday, and that the email I received long long ago was true- about people giving excuses to pray/ go to church when they're fine, and only doing so if they/ their loved ones are in the pits.

p/s I think being Nike's ambassador is super cool, because you will have the courage to Just Do It, and not have any second thoughts, which will make life a lot better!

Everything's going to be better in time. =)
I'm the happier ones on Earth now cause I'm eating ice-cream xD

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